
The Importance of List Audits in Email Marketing: Why Clean Contact Lists Matter

In the dynamic world of email marketing, the quality of your contact list can make or break your campaign’s success. One critical component of maintaining a high-quality list is conducting regular list audits. A well-executed list audit not only helps ensure that your emails reach their intended recipients but also enhances your overall marketing efficiency and ROI. This article explores the importance of list audits, the common issues they address, and how our email marketing solution of...

What are the benefits of using a Private IP?

Detailed explanation of IP Pool:When your account rating is 3 and want to send email marketing newsletter to the clients, then you are grouped with sender reputation and sending mail type. Since your account rating is 3, your grouped sender account reputation will be 3 and will send email marketing newsletter. Yours and other sending account will be similar only. Hence it is necessary for you maintain good ratings so that you can have better pools. Email Volume:When you send email newsletter v...

Guidelines to boost email campaign conversion rates

Let's talk about the issue first, how many emails do you receive in a day and how many of them you normally have a glance and how many of them you generally delete or send to trash folder? Now clear it off, how many you open and how many you read and how many you click on the link? Email marketing is the most expanding industry or channel these days. Email marketing is the best to introduce marketers to buyers and capable of driving sales. But the most important is that your email campaigns sho...

Guidelines to create successful mobile campaigns

We are in a world of technology; the technology lovers always have a specific place for mobiles in their world. Since mobiles play an important role in your day to day life, almost all time taking operations like shopping, banking, paying bills, checking mails etc are being done in seconds. Really thank the creative people. Now this is the turn for digital marketers to prove what wonders can be done by them to lead a successful mobile campaign. Targeting interactive posters:Mobile users have d...

Basic email marketing terms you should know

Email marketing is the most advanced and fast growing marketing strategy to reach customers via electronic mail. Email marketing is not about a text message, it is more than that. It gives a lavish texture and good flavour for your product or service by providing media formats or graphical representations like images along with the commercial message. Nowadays even expert marketers are into email marketing for creating a brand image, build customer loyalty, converting customers into potential o...

10 Sure fire steps to extend email marketing results

You all know of sure, studying in the early age and writing out exams for what? For results. How we scored in exam not only matters but also how we get settled in life after that matters. Likewise making you to know all important things like genuine list, enriched content, proper sending techniques, all means to be for one thing. That is attaining excellent results, ultimately to increase profits. For these things just follow the below explained steps. Logical Call to Action:If you really want...

11 Sure Tips to significantly improve your email click through rates

It is a well known magic that Email Marketing is great channel to connect with customers, sponsors or prospects and everyone else to expand your business or organisation. But have you known of sure that the emails or the newsletter sent by you have done a good job in capturing the reader's mind and heart, then the answer is not sure. Fortunately, you have taken enough steps to make more clients open your emails, but you are shocked to notice your zero conversion rates with your great and opene...

Email or Social media - Which is the master of the game?

Social media and email marketing are the two giant strategies which make people to argue, debate over the value and strength. It is true and it is accepted that no one can hate social media as the entire world revolves around it. Social media is considered to be the tool of future generation which will have our babies as its slaves. It might be great in value and strength but one should have it in their business if it makes any sense and good. Just for name sake if you try involving with social...

30 simple and effective tips for email marketing

1) Ask prior permission: Before adding someone to your email list, ask for prior permission or send your readers a friendly request greetings or e-card. 2) Make your readers to feel that your email contain something valuable and really helpful for them by subscribing it. 3) Use your website to promote newsletter campaigns, make them know that you have put your reputation on the line. 4) Avoid too many formal procedures, make sign up procedure simple. 5) Be trustworthy, let your customers ...

How the changes of ISP filtering process affects email marketing

In today's world, email communication is the fastest growing channel. The most important boon is the email which serves as the medium of communication for all commercial messages to thousands of people at a time or even more. But at the same time this has become a stressful job for many professional email marketers as their big picture is being held up with giant ISPs filtering procedures. While we all know the cost effectiveness and efficiency of email communication, still we are unable to swi...

Rings to bind for a successful marketing programme

Each and every day we find one or more upcoming business that use email marketing, and we hear many success stories of those who implemented simple creative ideas like email campaigns design; layout, landing pages and visuals etc, that have lead them to the doors of success. When you are not able to achieve of what you have planned for then, you will hear many of the words like: Why have not you? You might have done like this.....? You must....... You should.... It would be the best idea...

Extremities for designing standard HTML email newsletters

We have talked enough about email newsletter, to give brief introduction about this - Email Newsletters are powerful communication tools for digital marketers. It performs various functions like: Gives information about you or your products to the customers. Gives detailed description of what you are up to now. Binds your relationship with them. Readers love your email newsletters, when you provide them valuable information. The first and foremost basic rule for creating any email news...

How to avoid spam traps, honey pots

Spam, this word plays an important role in email marketing. Each and every email marketer is aware of this word and does not want their campaigns to destine to spam folders. This deadly word can be defined as the unsolicited email or unwanted email as agreed by email marketers. To fight against this spam, almost all organisations or ISPs uses a particular type of email addresses called honey pots or spam traps to find and block spammers. These are considered to be the efficient tools. If an ema...

6 helpful tips to write compelling subject lines

When you are clear with the fact that email marketing will help you in expanding your business and when you put up all your creative ideas and worked for hours in getting your segmentation strategies set right in crafting a killer email copy. Then do you think that this amount of work is enough for expanding your business scale? Yes. But neglecting the email subject line part will bring you down the line by landing your newsletters in junk or spam folder. Email subject lines are not only the ...

How to master email deliverability challenges

Internet have branched out widely in the form of email marketing. It might be used as an extensive tool to do business in the most cost effective way. But still researches have come up with a point called Email Deliverability. This is the biggest challenge faced by almost all digital marketers nowadays. The email marketing have seen a lot of changes like the upcoming of Android or smart phones, newly designed apps, customer interests and etc. Though all these have gained importance in email ma...

How to perform re-engagement campaigns

As an email marketer, you should know the value of relationship and how to maintain it with your subscribers. Relationship with your subscriber has started just like a proposal of a date. When you asked them for a date, they readily accepted it, blushed when you send them any surprise emails. Felt happy with offers and discounts. Counted on you for solutions and waited for your helping hand. Your personalization messages made them to feel that you are there for them in need and so on. Everythin...

Focus on engagement rates to get your emails into inbox

Email deliverability, inbox placement, subscriber engagement rates and all these terms we have heard and read but not sure of how they work. What they are up to in email marketing? The process in which an email travels from the sender to the subscriber's inbox is quite different in great old days. The giant ISPs like Google, Hotmail and Yahoo have changed the way of evaluating the efficiency of email campaigns with engagement rates and behaviour of the customers instead of evaluating the effici...

What does email size do with email deliverability

Email marketing - the most cost effective and highly profit yielding process. Hence each and every individual likes to start their career as an email marketer. Just imagine if a boon is dedicated to email marketers, what would they ask for: Naturally - they want their email campaigns to be delivered to customers’ inbox and to receive subscriber attention. This would be the real blessing for all email marketers. As we all know that there is spam filters kept as guards by ISPs to filter ou...

Learn about SPF and DKIM

A shortcut method to improve your email delivery rates is by incorporating SPF and DKIM into your DNS settings. This conveys your subscribers that you have authorized MailGoes to send your campaigns on behalf of you. With this your email campaigns are in safe hands where your email campaigns will not get marked as spam as your email campaigns are sent from an IP address of MailGoes. In this article we will discuss about the following: Authentication process of SPF and DKIM How to setup SPF...

Top most tips to get 5 stars email reputation

What are 5 star email reputations?In the old days, "word of mouth" is considered to be most important in improving one's business. This is generally achieved by the satisfied customer recommending to their near and dear ones about their experience with a service or the product brought by them. This is one among the best options adopted to expand the business. But now, technology has invaded us and we show least interest to go out. We want the world to be at our fingertips. Likewise, thank the t...

Techniques to raise authentic email list

The first step that email marketers have to do is to create a genuine list of customers. The list should be in such a way that you can rely on it. Not only this, have proofs of your interested customers email addresses to make sure from where you pick them. This is a general question by all, of how to raise authentic email list? Simply go through the points described below. Take prior consentDon’t get afraid, you are not told to perform magic; simply take prior permission from the clien...

When and how often to send emails to subscribers

When and how often to send emails to subscribers? This is the most common and unanswerable question in email marketing. It is the most problematic step in email marketing where email marketers could not be able to decide as when and how would be beneficial for them as well and for their subscribers. But there are certain patterns to interest your subscribers in order to achieve good sales score. Plan a schedule and stick to itInitially plan a schedule as when to send, what to send and how to s...

Common mistakes of email marketers

Email marketing is the most effective process of communication for small scale businesses. When you want to gain full attention of your subscribers to make out more sales and to mark your highest reputation score, then this is right channel for you to carry out your business in the very best way. At the end of the day, when you tap and scroll down to your results, it seems to be a bit low than you expected then you have gone wrong somewhere while doing something. With a solid email marketing st...

How to take care of Yahoo subscribers

Communication is a vast subject to discuss about. In great old days, one to one communication - where a message is conveyed only between two persons, later letters, land phones, mobiles and now emails. Technology has made people to live more comfortably. Nowadays emails are the best communication channel where a message is conveyed from one to many - nearly ten, hundreds, thousands and even more. But again this number is limited by giant ISPs like Gmail, Yahoo and Hotmail to improve their servi...

How bounce rates impact your email deliverability

When you have opened this article to read, it clearly shows that you are suffering with high bounce rates and now you want to reduce it. When you send your email campaigns to their destination point - client's inbox, some of them bounce back due to lack of space or client's inbox might be full or receiver's mailbox might encounter delivery issues or email address is inactive or email does not really exists and many more. High bounce rates impact negatively for your email campaigns as well as ...

Beneficial personalization techniques

Nowadays customers have their inbox full with emails, email campaigns, junk or any wanted information with very high expectations. To grab their attention towards the one in your hand is not impossible but you should know how to make it possible. It can be done with one word called "PERSONALIZATION". This is a key to trigger for successful email campaigns. So, what are we waiting for? Here are some of the sure ways to use personalization that will drive your sales score in email marketing. Ma...

What would you do when an email marketing mistake occurred

Each and every day, each and every step, we are well habituated to use technology. Thanks to the technical resources for such vast advancements in email marketing software. With such successful email marketing tactics, still mistakes are regularly made. Even though you are aware of in and out of email marketing techniques, you are likely to make at least one mistake at some point of time in your campaigns. But how well you and your organisation deals with such mistakes and how well you respond ...

Importance of prominent unsubscribe link

Hitting the send button to publish a quality email requires a lot of skill and work and we all love our subscribers who opt-in to stay with us and to read each and every email regularly. But practically it will not work. Naturally at some point of time a subscriber wants to leave your email database. This question is not easy to handle and at the same time this is not a difficult task to leave and to move forward. At this point of time, how would an email marketer can handle it? Simple - Using ...

Happy birthday email campaigns

Have you ever thought why birthday campaigns should be a part of email marketing? Because they work, we all love to celebrate birthdays. When we hear someone wishing us on our birthday, really we feel happy. When someone gifts us something on your birthday, really we get surprised. When we get any special offers to show privilege, really our happiness will reach the sky. This is why birthday campaigns should be a part of email marketing. It is all about pampering your clients. Birthday campaign...

Techniques to do upsell in email marketing

Not only email marketers, every business wants to get more profit or to do more business in terms of sales. That would be the ultimate goal of all small scale and large scale businesses. But how would it be possible? Upselling, what does it mean? The easiest way to increase sales is to sell to your existing customers. As they have experienced or tasted your brand, they know who you are and what you are when they first opened their wallet. They started trusting you from the first purchase itself...

A note on high spam or complaint rates

If any emails sent from your account receives an above average spam complaint rates then your account is likely to be closed temporarily or permanently. This will cause disaster to your reputation score which is highly difficult to build it from the scrape. This article will help you how to deal with spam complaints. After reading this, you will know where you stand in terms of average sender in spam reports or worse. Generally spam complaint occurs when a client clicks on the button "mark ...

26 simple tips to boost your email delivery

Why are you bothered about email delivery? This is the most important key to check the fruit of your hard work. In spite of using all your creativity in making up the email newsletter to be attractive enough with formats, size and layouts and ready with engageable content, and then your newsletter not delivered to your customers. It is really heartburn news. There are several reasons for this to happen. How to take care of email delivery issues?This is often asked by many email marketers. You...

How to run spam checks

Design some efficient tools to check your email campaigns whether it lands in the inbox or in the junk folder. The best option to check your campaign efficiency is to run a spam check before hitting the send button. Generally most email accounts have content filters where they are capable of identifying legitimate and illegitimate senders. They rarely results in false positives where your legitimate email campaigns are send to spam folder. But this is very low in occurrence. In addition each a...

Avoid these common mistakes in Email Marketing

Email marketing is the most effective and profitable process when performed in a perfect manner. But most of marketers would think that it to be simple and proceed with the process without following the guidelines and checklist taking into considerations where you land with more bounce rates, and spam rates which will bring your reputation to the down line and business to the bottom line. What does the word expert mean?The word expert mean, a person who is highly skilful in a particular subje...

How to increase opt-in list

If you ask any digital marketers, what is the ultimate key to success? They all come up with a standard answer – grow your list or build a resourceful list. But how to increase permission based list? For this you don’t have to do magic, only thing is that you need to know certain important things to capitalize on email features to grow your customers and to generate good list and business. Let us have a look from the basics to get refreshed. Simplify your email subscription formTh...

Best days to send email newsletters

The most cost effective solution in this century is Email marketing, when used properly this can work as a fantastic tool in your business toolbox to achieve the desired results. This paves way to brief actions, accessing outputs and to improve your business performance by spending less time span and resources. All you need to do is to see how great your content and when to sell your product is. We, MailGoes Email Marketing have put up all our experience to guide you by sharing our knowledge a...

Benefits of colour psychology in email marketing

Colours are a blessing to humans from God. You might have heard your elders bless with words like; you have a bright future. Let your life be filled with colours and so on. But what do colours do exactly? They are everywhere, you see something they are colours, when you close your eyes, and there are colours. Dark also resembles colour Black. Likewise everywhere, anywhere and everything is made of colour. This is the root cause why digital marketers want to have a better idea on colours to at...

Guidelines to design attractive newsletters

We all know email is the most excellent communication channel. Nowadays email marketing campaigns have gained lot more importance in sales and marketing fields. Newsletters are the cost effective source to reach your clients. But it is a big responsibility on your shoulders. People won’t give their email address just like that. If you want to be successful in newsletter then here is the key. Your newsletter may contain what and all you want to convey to your readers. But while sketching ...

Few tips to write effective newsletters

Newsletters are perhaps the most effective way to communicate with your customers and prospective customers. It allows you as a business to position yourself as an expert in your industry as well as promote your products and services. Newsletters, if done correctly, can be a very powerful tool in your marketing communications tool box. This article explores important tips that will help you write effective newsletter articles. Keep your promiseAs readers we are bombarded constantly with a bagg...

Simple guidelines to reduce bounce rates

When you are expecting to see your results eagerly and wait to know your open rates, if you find your score with high bounce rates rather than open rates, how frustrating it is? What to do about that bounce rates? How to rectify them? For all these questions, here are the 5 simple guidelines to reduce your bounce rates which will increase your deliverability results. Begin with a high standard sign up formIt is necessary to create a good signup form where you will be able to get necessary info...

Improving your email delivery to Gmail

Effective email marketing gets to its complete form when the email has been delivered to the appropriate inbox. Taking the email to the inbox is proved to be a challenge. This challenge alone can increase the number of your sales record. Apart from this, there is another challenging process which is highly important in maintaining your sales record. The emails that you are sending to the domains, which are the internet service providers like Gmail, Yahoo and Hotmail etc. need to go through a s...

How to take good care of your clients using Yahoo mail

Generally in old fashioned days, messages are conveyed one to one. But now a days using email marketing as a broadcasting channel messages are conveyed from one to many (tens, hundreds, thousands and so on). Again this number is also limited by ESP's to a certain extent, to improve service and security. Gmail and Yahoo limit their numbers because, you need to get prior permission for sending your newsletter to their clients and you need to tell them for what they are receiving your email for yo...

What are Spam Traps and how to avoid them

To define Spam Traps, these are usually email addresses which are generally created to find out the unlawful senders who add email address without the permission of the users to their lists for sending their promotional emails. These spam traps are basically not for communication purpose. Don’t let yourself to be the one among them who caught in the spam traps. They will hurt your reputation and business greatly. Spam Traps are efficient tools of ISPs or ESPs, that is internet or email s...

How to boost up your email conversation rates

Email marketing is the best performing online marketing these days and this is not going to change until and unless the technology stops growing. Which is not going to happen in this decade. Email marketing is getting wider day by day with new outputs, new strategies, and with new tracking tools. But the final judgement of any email marketing campaign is the results that are the overall business done by the company. This entirely depends upon the sales. But how do you increase sales? This is ac...

Tips to improve email deliverability

Email marketing is the most cost effective method adopted in marketing field. This is achieved successfully only when your emails reach the inboxes of your clients. If it is not so, then it is waste of time and money. Email deliverability is the most important key point and the first step to attain results or sales. You have learnt enough about making an email newsletter to be interested for the customer. When it is not delivered to check your results then there is no point in spending time and...

Guidelines to improve your Call to Action: CTA

Why are you conducting email marketing campaigns? Naturally this is simply answered, you want response or conversions. But how this is achieved? This is also simple, by employing perfect and immediate "Call to Action button". Amazing! Isn't it? How the simple small button does wonders in achieving your goals. It is simple: Anything or everything starts from one. What is Call to Action (CTA)?This is a button or link, that you place on your newsletter for your clients to make them become active...

5 helpful tips to make your email subscribers happy

What makes you happy? This is answerable, because you know your interests and would able to judge which makes you to feel happy almost. What about your subscribers? What makes them happy? This not easily answered, as it is not known what interests them and what makes them to be happy. One answer flashes in our minds about the above asked questions is Email. Yes you have done enough to get attention of your clients to open your emails, read it and to subscribe it. But is this the one which makes...

Boost up the success rates of email marketing campaign

Email marketing is a commercial message or information conveyed to a group of prospective customers using email. In other words every email sent to the client for the purpose of business or sales should be considered as email marketing. This is the most updated and evolutionary aspect which is grown up in a massive stage recently. Email marketing has been adopted by almost all companies due to its cost efficiency and high ROI numbers. But there is another question. How to increase the effectiv...

Gain success from your email campaign segmentation

The main reason for the companies to start email marketing is that, it is cost effective process and the returns are high. Email marketing is considered to the most profitable business when performed in an authentic way. There are certain criteria to be followed in email marketing for attaining desired ROI. The most commonly asked question is what should I need to do to improve sales ratio? How to improve ROI? How to keep up reputation? Is my content good? How about the layouts and designs? Al...

How to track email marketing campaign results

Now, you have learnt basics and done with your exams like sending effective emails to interested clients. It's time to analyse the results. This is just like the report card, you have gone through in your childhood days. The report card allows you to know, in which subjects you have scored well and in which subjects you were weak. Likewise analysing your email campaign reports show you clearly where you have done mistake and in which step you have done well. In Email marketing campaigns, tracki...

Difference between IP Reputation and Domain Reputation

Your email marketing campaigns’ performance entirely depends up on the email deliverability. Again email deliverability is influenced by many factors, like genuine list, proper signing, relevant and enriched content, less spam rates and bounce rates have healthy hand in making up your reputation. When ISPs notice you as an licensed sender, that is where your reputation lies. Once the user or the reader receives your email, it is understood that you have send them something to provide the...

What is FBL or Feedback Loop?

We are discussing about the technical terms and innovations of Email Marketing. The most specific term related to email marketing is the FBL. Many of us have not heard about this term FBL, but if you want your seed (email) to grow, flourish and to give fruits (business) then let’s gain an understanding of FBL to water it. To understand FBL initially, put yourself in customers or readers shoes. As a user when you don’t want to receive any marketing or promotional emails, you just cl...

Soft Bounces vs Hard Bounces

We the digital marketers are effectively involved in email marketing services. One of the advantages of using Mail Goes email marketing service is its ability to provide valuable information to the customers; this is the positive interaction data which allows you to see the effectiveness of your campaigns. But it is necessary for you to know the negative rates of your campaign to know your caliber and to improve the desired results. One particular metric to be concerned from the negative track...

Best practices for effective email campaigns

In spite all of the rising demand given to social media, digital media and news paper over the past few years, the hard-core marketing source of the most internet marketing campaign is still reminds us about email. It remains the most widely used form of corporate communication and is a channel that almost all marketers are familiar with. Email marketing is usually claimed to be an incredible way of effective marketing tactic. Despite of this familiar part, most marketers have yet to perfect th...

Emails are going to spam / junk folder. How to improve inbox delivery?

It is very often that email marketers face delivery problem and seek for best email practices for their campaigns. ISPs use different spam filters to keep their customers' inbox clean. There are no standard rules that all ISPs follow. Each ISP defines their own set of rules and applies new algorithms intelligently to combat spam. Following best email practices gives you success in delving emails to your customers’ inbox. Here are some of the basic guidelines you have to follow for better...

Facts about your email deliverability

Have you ever thought about how and why email gets delivered? Deliverability refers to the likelihood that an email message you send will actually arrive at its intended destination. Emails don’t always make it to the intended recipient’s inbox. They can be delivered to the junk folder (sometimes referred to as the spam folder), rejected by the receiver’s email infrastructure (usually in the form of a bounce), or disappear altogether (for example, when the receiving system dro...

Top reasons for unsubscribing in email marketing

There could be many reasons that user shows interest to unsubscribe email alerts from your website. Users who shown interest and confirmed their subscribtion using double-opt-in system may also unsubscribe from your service if you don't care about users' interst. Assume that you have serveral services from your company and user has shown interst to receive emails for a particular topic.When you send emails of inintentional topics to user,he / she does't care about your email campaign. Insted th...

Some tips on Bulk email / Mass mail

There are many guidelines available oneline to help your bulk email campaign. Following are some of the tips that help you while sending mass email to your customes. The list is not limited to the below points, but we canfind out other tips on other blog posts of this site. 1) All bulk messages you send must be formatted according to RFC 2822 SMTPstandards and, if using HTML, standards. 2) Messages should indicate that they are bulk mail, using the 'Precedence:bulk' header field. 3) A...

Avoid content issues in your email campaign delivery

The content of the email provides the communication or message. Email receivers have cracked down on malicious communication from spammers, such as phishing, malware and virus distribution, or scams, by implementing robust content filters. These content filters perform automated reviews of email content to look for unwanted email. Technically savvy users rely on open source content filters like the Apache Spam Assassin. Enterprises are more likely to rely on content filters like Google’s ...

How to improve inbox delivery rate

Are you delivering your emails directly to your customers' inbox? Not sure? Then cotinue reading further this article. We have some tips to guide you and improve inbox deliverabiilty. Remove bounced emails from your list Monitor your email campaigns reguarly and check the percentage of email bounces of your campaigns. High bounce rate will not yield any result to you but it will even impact your overall deliverability rate. When email is not delivered to an address, it willbounce back to "Rep...