Some of the facts that show how we work differently comparing to other email marketing providers.
Having multiple IP addresses for any campaign reduces the chance of getting a particular IP address blacklisted. Whenever an IP is blacklisted by the ESP, our dedicated team replaces that IP with new one. So your email campaign is not affected.
Processing Feedback Loop is very important in any email campaign. Our jobs keep track of FBL complaints on 24X7 basis and frequently checks whether any IPs are blacklisted. In case any necessary action is required to handle FBL, it will be handled on war foot basis.
Our intelligent tools work in such a way that all the bounced email addresses are not included for any future campaigns. Whenever an email is marked as bounced, it will be suppressed from the contact list and will not be included for any further campaigns.
Our data centre includes multiple servers to deliver millions of emails per day for our customers. In order to deliver high volume of emails, we maintain servers with having capacity of 10 lakh emails per day for each campaign for our customers.
Having multiple servers for a campaign gives us an advantage of managing the load and server downtime. Our Server Health Monitoring tool alerts technical support people if any unexpected thing happens and our experts take necessary action to run campaigns smooth.
Expertise and experience counts in any industry. Our core team is having 20+ years of experience in managing servers, creating and running campaigns. Our team guides you to create and schedule campaigns in case you need any assistance.
These numbers show the growth in our clients, servers, industries and infrastructure.
Want to start your own email marketing business? Partner with MailGoes and start providing services to your customers with your OWN BRAND.