Knowledge Base - Email Deliverability

Sending emails by using good techniques improves your overall inbox placement rates.

All about MailGoes delivery rates

Delivery rates are the foremost statistics which states the number of email campaigns being delivered to the recipient's inboxes. Experts of email marketers believe that the art of success and failure in email marketing depends on the first and last...

About email throttling

Let us understand what is throttling first, Some ISPs limit their number of incoming emails for a particular period of time from a particular sender. In any case if they exceed the amount or time then their email campaigns are blocked resulting in b...

What does MailGoes actually do to improve deliverability rates?

Email marketing is the easiest task in an inbound marketing strategy. Almost all email marketers thinks that write a catchy copy with snatching images, give a click to the opt-in list and just wait and watch how the customers will stand in a queue t...

Why Gmail organises emails into Primary, Social and Promotion tabs

Google has come up with most advanced features to make its user's online life more comfortable. It has come up creatively to incorporate tabs and categories to help its email users to organise their email accounts in a variety of ways. These tabs he...

What to do if my spam score is high?

The acceptable spam score or spam rate is 0.1%, anything above than this or higher will get your account or IP address blocked to prevent sending even more of unwanted email or stuff. A blacklist is a database which helps to determine the legitimac...

How does Blacklists work?

An email blacklist or DNS based black hole list is a database which uses a list of criteria to determine whether the IP address sends legitimate emails or spam. Many email servers or ISPs refer such blacklists to get hold of spammers. Since the blac...

Concepts behind IP reputation

Each and every IP address is made with a score, gets determined with a score, should be able to retain that score devoid of changes and that is known as Reputation Score which decides the fate of all your email campaigns. To understand in a better ...

How fast does MailGoes send emails?

We have built up with the most scalable infrastructure to ensure the fastest delivery of email campaigns. Many of our customers generally come up with a question like what time it takes to send xxx number of emails? But this is a bit tough to answer...

All about Feedback Loop

Take a step back to learn about the basic email terms and frameworks which plays an important role in email delivery toolkit: Feedback loop. We will discuss what it is exactly and what does it do? This is a service offered by ISPs, when a subscribe...

Does MailGoes encourage personalized DKIM and SPF?

Yes, not only MailGoes, each and every server or each and every organisation has to encourage personalized DKIM and SPF records. Why because the free email service providers like Gmail, Yahoo, AOL and Hotmail have come up with changes in their DMARC...

How Soft and Hard Bounces are managed?

An email bounce refers to non-delivery of your email campaigns to your subscriber inbox. When a subscriber rejects your email message then it is called as a bounce. There are two types bounce depending upon the reason it bounced. Soft and Hard Bounc...

How does my content impacts deliverability rates?

Email subject lines and the content makes up the email body, they are first eye catchers of your email campaigns to make your customers to respond to your call to actions. To make them to act, you need not to do magic. The simple rule is to keep you...

A short note on email deliverability

Deliverability means not just your email campaigns getting delivered. If your email messages are delivered to spam folder rather than inbox, then this is not calculated in the deliverability rate, it is calculated as spam rate. Hence deliverability ...

Does MailGoes limit the sending of emails?

Technically speaking no, there are no limits but keeping in view of ISPs rate limits we control number of emails flow from our mail servers. There is no fixed number to measure it. We internally we adjust these values automatically based on total v...

Improve your subject lines to increase open rates

Success of email marketing is judged with numbers like open rates and click through rates. There are many uncontrollable factors like time, day, device used, website and personal preferences but there are certain which can be controlled like the con...

What should I do if my domain is blacklisted?

A blacklist is a publicly available list or a database which is used by the receiver servers commonly to identify the spammer. The receiver server obtains the information to check the reputation score of a particular IP address. Based upon this info...

How to maximize click through rates?

As an email marketer, you might have researched or learnt or tested various factors to increase click through rates, since those are the rates which leads your campaigns to the success path. But these days, you might find it a bit hard to make your ...

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