About email throttling

Let us understand what is throttling first, Some ISPs limit their number of incoming emails for a particular period of time from a particular sender. In any case if they exceed the amount or time then their email campaigns are blocked resulting in bounce backs. This is generally called as email throttling. It is also called as "deferral".

However this situation is temporary but again it depends, in such cases you will receive a message stating that the "user is getting too many emails at a greater speed, please try later" or "recipient's mailbox is full".

Generally MailGoes server delivers email campaigns at a greater speed but the ISPs limits the number of emails getting delivered in order to reduce spam rates or spam issues.

Here are the number of factors of why ISPs limits your email campaigns delivery:

  • The recipient server might misunderstand that you are sending spam as they does not recognise your IP address. This is why warming up an IP is more important in getting your email campaigns delivered on time.
  • Increase in bounce rates, spam rates and spam trap hits.
  • The recipient's mailbox is full.
  • The recipient's server might reject to receive email campaigns.
  • ISPs might limit the flow of emails if they found something suspicious or fraudulent. For instance, some of your subscribers marked your email campaigns as spam but the number is not enough to block your emails. At such circumstances ISPs limit the flow of email campaigns from your end until they find the rest of your subscriber's behaviour to be good.
  • When an ISP found five consecutive bounces at a particular period of time, then they might block the incoming email campaigns by sending a throttling message stating that the recipient's inbox is full or slow down the sending server or stop sending emails for a certain period of time. If such messages are ignored then the ISP blocks the particular IP address.
  • In case of new IP address, ISPs limits the number of incoming email campaigns until they get a clear idea about the solid reputation of sender like type, volume, content specifications and characteristics etc.
  • If you use a new IP address to send your email campaigns then you should maintain a quality work by gradually increasing your flow of outgoing email campaigns in a consistent manner.

If a recipient's ISP is throttling your emails then MailGoes will account the throttling issue by sending your email campaigns through multiple IP address. You need not look back for settings or changes, these are all done automatically.

However there are certain cases where you need to deliver your messages quickly and at the same time there are certain time limits where you need to wait for a little time more to send your email campaigns. Sending without throttling is a challenge to be faced, but after you are sure that your campaigns are free of deliverability issues, spam hits and bounce rates. But sending to a number of different domains it might be difficult to judge the limitations. Hence testing and tracking for the best throttling time is very important.



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