Why Gmail organises emails into Primary, Social and Promotion tabs

Google has come up with most advanced features to make its user's online life more comfortable. It has come up creatively to incorporate tabs and categories to help its email users to organise their email accounts in a variety of ways. These tabs help to locate the specific emails and subject lines that might be hiding in their heap of inbox emails and spam. These folders are Primary, Social and Promotions. Gmail delivers email messages to these segments to enhance subscriber engagement, easy accessible and flexibility to search.

Messages which are delivered through MailGoes are usually found to land in the Promotions or Primary tab. However Gmail does not provide flexibility to all email marketing services to move or to change the messages from tab to tab. Hence MailGoes or any other server has no connection with this, only the account holder have access to move their email messages from Promotions to Primary and vice versa.

In this article we shall discuss about the Gmail tabs and how a subscribers can make your email campaigns to get delivered in their Primary Tab.

Promotion tab benefits:
Gmail tend to deliver all the marketing emails and promotional offers to the Promotions tab. When Gmail come up with this idea, it created gnashing of teeth amongst all email marketers. As they thought that all Gmail users would fail to notice their incoming emails but that was failed to be proved. Why because email users are happier with Gmail tabs as it made their life a bit easier and comfortable in searching their email messages. Fortunately it was those tabs which increased deliverability rates, opens, click through and finally reducing spam rates helping the legitimate email marketers to put forward their step towards success rates.

Along with this Gmail inbox organisation does not affect your subscribers and most of them disable inbox option as it became optional for many Gmail users.

Emails getting delivered to primary tab:
The only best optional available for all email marketers to get their email messages delivered to primary tab depends on the healthy and hygienic list management. A prospectus and engaged subscriber alone can make changes in their Gmail account to get your email messages being delivered to the primary tab or can move them from Promotions tab to Primary tab.

How to educate your subscribers to do so?

Suggest them to add "From" or "Reply to" email address to their contact list:
Remember, Gmail never fails to deliver emails of subscribers in the Google contacts to the Primary tab. While sending your newsletters or confirmation emails or welcome emails or in any transactional emails suggest your subscribers to add your email address to their address book or Google contacts.

Suggest them to move your emails to Primary tab:
It is the subscriber who is the boss of their Gmail account. When you are capable of engaging your subscribers, if your subscriber moves your email messages from Promotions to Primary tab then Google asks them to confirm whether they want it to appear the same in future.



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