Topic: opt out

Opt out

The action a person takes when he or she chooses not to receive email communications. It requires a web-based mechanism by which people can ask to be removed reliably from an email list. This request must be honored within ten days, as mandated by the CAN-SPAM Act.

How can I unsubscribe the one from my email list?

When you are no more interested in receiving emails or on the list that is managed by MailGoes then you are free to unsubscribe from the list. To unsubscribe, go down to the bottom of the page where you would find a link with a message stating that "click here to unsubscribe". By clicking on that, you will be directed to a webpage where you will find your subscription details and click on the unsubscribe button, then you will see a message stating that you have been successfully unsubscribe f...