Best practices for effective email campaigns

In spite all of the rising demand given to social media, digital media and news paper over the past few years, the hard-core marketing source of the most internet marketing campaign is still reminds us about email. It remains the most widely used form of corporate communication and is a channel that almost all marketers are familiar with. Email marketing is usually claimed to be an incredible way of effective marketing tactic. Despite of this familiar part, most marketers have yet to perfect the art of a well-designed email. As a result, open rates, click-through rates, and conversions are often quite low for email marketing. However, these are the few key elements which can help you dramatically improve to create an effective news letter campaign.

Compelling Subject:
When you see people to join you to read your newsletter, then it is clear that he/she is interested in your product, brand or service. This shows that the battle of your readers’ attention is won and now to make them engage more, the newsletter subject should be clear and simple rather confusing. Craft a subject that conveys the content they really don't know about your product or service, something which shows to be the most important through your newsletter.

When to pitch:
People are often flooded with interruption, pitches, and advertisements everywhere they look, and though you might think yours is special, there’s a high probability that to the reader, it looks the same as the rest. This is why it’s important to remember where you are, and use your good manners for best results. Getting into someone’s inbox is like being invited to their home for dinner. If they ask you to take your shoes off, you respectfully do so. It’s the same with email marketing, so before we begin I’d simply like to remind you to be on your best behaviour. If you’re going to get in the habit of pitching often, try to put yourself in the reader’s shoes. Ask yourself if your messaging is consistent with the expectations you’ve set. So you should do this well by sending relevant offers based on the buying habits.

Keep the newsletter to the point:
"First impression is the best impression" applies to newsletters as well, since the first few lines are not to be long winded or not to be indirect. Because the costumers don’t spend much time to read on the unknown email. Your readers want you to come to the point faster so that they would be able decide to read on further. The average attention period per email is about less than 10 seconds. If the first few lines are catchy and relevant then your work is done.

Make the text simple:
When it comes to deciding how to craft that perfect subject line, you should bear in mind that your reader can hardly spend few seconds in reading your newsletter, so rather than bombarding with him too much text, keep it simple and make him more visualised with images.

One message at a time:
Put yourself in customer shoes, as readers we have short attention spans long enough to digest one message, not more than that. If you want to convey more than one message, it is better to create separate newsletter for each one. The more simple your newsletter, the better the result you achieve.

Make it personal:
Nobody wants to be one among the hundred; we always love to be the one out of hundred. Use dynamic content to customize the greetings of your newsletter to make your readers more personal as we all love to be special and privileged. MailGoes Email Marketing offers even more easy-to-use personalization tags (with feature name “Custom Fields”) to make your newsletter personalized including subject line.

Be Friendly:
Go social and be friendly with your readers. Never forget those helpful tools to have at the bottom of your newsletter. It provides readers to interact directly with you on your social pages be it Google+, Facebook or Twitter. Make your readers comfortable to sign up for your newsletter at these social platforms.

Do it as promised:
Depending upon the kind of business you are in, know your customers of how they want to receive your newsletters, either weekly, biweekly or monthly. Too much of anything is good for nothing as we all know, likewise too much of interaction with your readers make them irritate. Too little means too little interaction with your brand will result in lesser recall value. Finding the optimum period of time will be the pioneer key to success.

Call to action:
Excellent content, demanding service or product are not only the important things to take care of. Don't rely on your readers to know what to do, provide them a clear cut image in your newsletter to direct your readers to sign up or to register with you. Don't neglect to consider the feedback given by the unsubscribers to improve your newsletter model even better.

Undoubtedly, following above best practices improves your campaigns’ performance. At MailGoes, our customer support team is always ready to guide and help you to achieve best results out of your email campaigns. Feel free to contact us in case you need any assistance.


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