How to track email marketing campaign results

Now, you have learnt basics and done with your exams like sending effective emails to interested clients. It's time to analyse the results. This is just like the report card, you have gone through in your childhood days. The report card allows you to know, in which subjects you have scored well and in which subjects you were weak. Likewise analysing your email campaign reports show you clearly where you have done mistake and in which step you have done well. In Email marketing campaigns, tracking the reports is the key step you have put forth for your success.

Reports Analysis
This includes the process of analysing your previous campaign reports with open rates, click-through rates, spam ratio, bounce rates and other elements. Overall, it helps you to improve your metrics in terms of business and company's reputation.

Open rates of an email campaign
Email open rates are simply the number of emails opened by your customers against the number of emails delivered or sent. This work is best performed by MailGoes team by offering you a helping hand to increase the open rates. To judge open rates you should take the following points into consideration:

1) Have an cleaned email list by filtering non interactive customers, bounces and complaints
2) Have segmented clients database
3) Have your content short, simple, understandable and keep it to the point
4) Have your newsletter out of Spam filters
5) Have your email newsletter informative

Click-through rates of an email campaign
Click-through rates are the number of clients who have opened your email vs number clicks achieved to the landing page. Click-through rates entirely depend upon the open rates ratio. It mainly focused on the content, call to action and the promotional offer you have pitched to the client.

At MailGoes, we encourage you to create your own "call to actions" with A/B split test. It helps you to able to decide which one works best for your brand results.
Unsubscribe ratio

The most important step for all email marketers is to consider the unsubscribe rates. There are many reasons of why it increases. Most common reasons are explained as:

1) Don't sell too much: Give your clients sometime to think on your promotional offer. By sending too many emails from your end will likely increase unsubscribe rates and spam rates.
2) Sending Time: Monday, Friday and Saturdays are unfavourable days for sending your emails. The others days of the week are found to fetch results by most researches but again this is not sure, check yourself what works best for your campaign. For this you can use MailGoes A/B split test.
3) Specific timings are not yet clear, but it shows that people like to open their inbox during lunch breaks, tea breaks and while in the evenings when they sit to have a little talk and apart from the business hours. Check accordingly for results.

Perfect analysis
Not only these factors, there are certain other things like the landing page, layouts, formats, visuals and Images used to create an attractive and better understandable newsletter. How much of time you have spent in creating your landing page also counts. After creating a perfect landing page, still your results are low, then your "call to action" requires fine tuning. Your call to action should clearly explain the reader of what he has to do. You should make him to decide sharply of what he wants and what he supposed to do to get it.

With all these analysis factors, you can come to a conclusion of how to analyse your campaign reports. You should be clear of what you are doing and why you are doing, for your reference. The email marketing campaign results is the report card of yours to check, to rectify and to act. This information allows you to segment your clients and to provide clear cut call to actions for rectification. Be cautious and pay attention on the entire prospective results rather than considering individual statistics.

Go further
When you have studied all your reports, rectified your mistakes and once again prepared to send emails freshly, go ahead and do it. You will get results once again, analyse it and learn from your mistakes again. This is a never ending chain process, which makes you experienced from your own mistakes. This reminds about a saying "Slow and steady wins the race". Every time you analyse your report and every time you will come up with new ideas for improving your campaigns.

You can also consult MailGoes team to have in detail discussion with our experts.


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